what you girls want

a guy that thinks you’re the world
A boy that whispers he loves you in your ear 

When you’re not with your guy he’s all that you can think about

A guy who will watch any movie with you, no matter how teary eyed you may get.

A guy that will play her favorite song outside her windowA guy who is loyal

A guy that will call you beautiful or adorable…not hot, fine, or sexy 

A guy that will never judge you for how you look. 

A boy that tells you everything honestly 

A guy that will always let you win

A guy who stands up for you no matter who it is against  

A guy who calls you at night just to say ‘hi’ and see how your day has been

A boy who tells you that your smile makes his day and makes everything better

A boy who will sit on the phone with you when you’re sad, even if you’re quiet

and some of the above may the reason why you are still single.
nak yang sedap sedap je. kau tu sedap ke ?

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